Why a good hair hygiene is so important

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Keeping one’s hair clean is important more for social reasons than for health. Dirty, unkempt hair can be visually distasteful and may even develop an obnoxious odor. This is often due to a buildup of oil on the scalp from the sebaceous glands.


Haircuts, styling and hair washing should be a part of everybody’s grooming routine. If your hair is messy, oily or extremely overgrown, it’s likely people will notice. They may assume that you are untidy, careless, unprofessional or even untrustworthy–purely because of the appearance of your hair. It’s best to wash your hair and get haircuts regularly to look your best.


Daily shampooing isn’t always necessary, as some people can shampoo every other day or even once a week. The frequency of shampooing depends on how quickly a person’s hair tends to become oily or dirty. People with tightly curled hair, such as African-American hair, for example, can shampoo once weekly, as the hair’s natural oils travel more slowly along the shaft. In cases such as this, daily hair-washing can make the hair overly dry, as it strips away the oils too quickly.

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